Our feet bear all the load of our body no matter what is the weight. From childhood to old age, these 2 feet give us right support all the time. Against this great support, we, most of the time, take a very poor care of them. So, sometimes we suffer from foot pain. As we walk, run and stand with the feet, all these activities hamper if our feet ache.
6 Most Common Foot Pain
There are 6 most common foot pain that which really make us suffer. In this guide, I will describe these pains and their remedy.
Pain at the heel
Heel pain is one of the most common and most people are suffered by this kind of pain. This is very fatal. The people who have too much weight are mostly suffered by this pain. Fracture and tumors are also responsible at the same time. As heel bears most of the weight of our body, walking becomes very tough having this kind of pain.
Solution: To get rid of this pain, choosing right kind and size of shoe is the first priority. You must choose the shoe according to your profession as most of the time you will at your workplace. Secondly, you must rest your affected feet.
Pain at the Arch
Arch pain immobilizes a person as walking becomes very tormenting when this kind of pain attacks. Arch pain originates at the middle of the foot and ultimately it spreads to all the corners of the foot. It creates pressure and pain to the feet to take steps.
Solution: To make yourself out of this pain, you must find out in which part of the arch the pain originated. Taking sufficient rest and ice therapy are the best cure for this pain. You should pick the shoes which provide proper arch support or you can try insoles in your shoes.
Toe pain
Pain at the toe is another most common foot pain of many people. Wearing a tight shoe can cause this kind of pain. Collision with any object can also cause this pain. The most alarming thing, this toe pain rapidly spreads throughout the whole foot and normal movement becomes difficult.
Solution: The first solvency of this pain is to choose a comfortable shoe than a fashionable one. Run and walk carefully. And if you are suffering from the pain, take proper rest and take ice therapy.
Collapsing of the arch
If the arch collapsed at any time, the foot of a person becomes flat and whole foot touches the ground. As it can happen both in childhood or adult age, there is no perfect remedy for this kind of pain.
Solution: Proper shoes or footwear which give perfect arch support with having insoles are recommended to buy to get rid of this pain
Plantar Fasciitis at the heel
Mainly middle aged people are affected by this pain. It creates a severe pain to the heel and walking turns into an impossible thing. People of security forces like army are more likely for this kind of pain.
Solution: The Remedy of this kind of pain is to change the current shoe and choose a shoe which has the ability to give right support and comfort. A treatment of ice can cure this pain.
Bunion pain
In the toe, there are some bumps of composed bone. These are called bunions. When the big toe pressures on the other toes, the joints of the big toe get pain. Sometimes this pressure causes the deformity of the big toe.
Solution: Wearing the right sized shoe with roomy toe box can help to save you from this pain.
Pain in the foot is very common. If you suffer from this pain, take advice from your doctor. But first of all, wear a great shoe with the right size and having great support and comfort.
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